If I were to ask you right now, what is your purpose. What would you say? If you answered in the definitive, you are among the few.
Do you ever wonder what is the meaning of your life? What is so important about having a purpose? Having a purpose gives meaning to everything you do. It directs, guides and motivates you, among other things.
Did you know there are consequences to not finding your purpose? According to Dr. Douglas LaBier, the effects are many.
One thing is clear: "The consequences of not finding your purpose include chronic, lingering dissatisfaction; an absence of inner peace and a sense of not being fully in sync with your inner self. That's because your true inner self knows that your life purpose is out of sync with your outer life. The latter is often a false self, but you've identified with it because it's been so rewarding to your ego." - Douglas LaBier, Ph.D -The New Resilience
So what is Passion and Purpose?
Let’s talk about Passion.
What is Passion? Passion is more than just Enthusiasm or Excitement. Passion is ambition, materialized into action, to put as much Heart, Mind, Body and Soul into that which you love or desire. The dictionary defines Passion as: strong and barely controllable emotion.
We all have things we are passionate about… Sports Teams, Musicians, Athletes, Actors, and the list goes on. However, what passions are YOU living? I’m not talking about watching someone else live their passions, I’m asking you to consider YOUR passions, ones that you are living out. If you’re not… Why? What’s keeping you from doing so?
How about Purpose?
The dictionary defines Purpose as the object toward which one strives, an Aim, Goal or an Intention. Did you know that there is purpose in every thing you think, say and do? You are thinking on purpose right now. What are you thinking of at this very moment? What is your purpose for that thought? Is it random, meaningless chatter, or do you have an intention, a focus for your mind and spirit that will help create something you want?
What about your words? Every word you speak has a purpose or intention. Are you speaking words to yourself and others that are positive, loving and supportive? How about your actions? Every action you take has a purpose or you just wouldn’t do it. Do your actions provide support to yourself and others? Or, do they take away or diminish the joy that is intended for us all. It’s easy to realize the purpose in everything you do, either you have a desire to experience pleasure or you are avoiding pain. It’s that simple.
The great thing about life is that you can change, create or discover a new purpose at any time! We are talking about your everyday purpose with your thoughts, words and actions. But what is interesting is when you combine your passions with your everyday purpose, you have the key to discovering your life purpose! Your life purpose is really not some hard formula, which requires a special astrological chart or tarot card reading, it is found by getting to know yourself, your passions, your talents and desires.
And finally we come to our foundation principal that connects your passions to your purpose which is Empowerment:
What is Empowerment? Empowerment is the concept that we have the ability to Manifest Everything we need to live Peaceful, Happy, and Abundant Lives! You can and will manifest everything you desire.
To learn more about connecting to your passions and purpose, visit our website at www.FloridaInstituteofPersonalDevelopment.com and get started living the life you were meant to live!
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