Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Are you trying to keep up with the Joneses? Who are the Joneses anyway?  It's a funny saying however this phrase is a reality for most of us living in the "material world."  We can't help but buy in to the madness of having the biggest, best and the newest.  The media bombards us with images of a life most would trade their eye teeth to experience.  Of course we all want to live a life of abundance, however how we go about it can create a life of lack.  The exact opposite of that which we desire. 

This topic came about through my show, Passion and Purpose Radio .  Guest author, Dora Nudleman shared her insights on how to live a life for your own fulfillment instead of trying to "keep up with the Joneses." She shared with our listeners the importance of knowing WHAT you want and WHY you want it, and how getting to the why of it all would reveal the truth to the desire.  She suggests you ask yourself if your desire is one that would bring your life more fulfillment or is it a desire to keep up with the "Joneses." Sounds simple right?  Well, it actually is that simple. Is what you want a representation of something that would bring you more peacefulness, joy or excitement? If it is then you are on the path to a more fulfilling life.  If however your response to "why" is that it would improve your status then you are "keeping up with the Joneses." 

It's only natural to want to live the life you dream of, however your happiness may be held hostage if your self esteem is tied to those dreams.  So how does one live the life they dream of and not let self esteem be the motivator?  One way is to seek experiences that are not "material" in nature, ones that will bring more fulfillment into your life.  Living your passions is a great way to fill your life with things that matter most.  My last blog discusses this very topic.  If you don't know what your  passions are, I have a great e-workbook coming out in September 2012 that can help you connect with your passions and purpose.

For those of you who are already there, living your passions but haven't seen a change in your "material world,"  don't give up hope.  All it takes is a minor adjustment in your thought patterns.  Let's start with purposeful thinking.  Yes, you can learn to think on purpose. Actually, you already have a purpose for your thoughts, you just don't realize it.  Our thoughts, feelings and actions all have a purpose. Either you are seeking pleasure or avoiding pain.  You may say, "same thing" but the reality is it is NOT the same.  You see there are two different energies associated with each purpose.  One is fear driven (avoiding pain) and one is love driven (seeking pleasure).

The law of attraction teaches, the energy you emit draws to it things that are of the same nature.  The best analogy would be a magnet.  If you are a "fear" magnet, then more fear based thoughts will be drawn to you. Thoughts of unworthiness, envy, despair, anger, etc.  So in a situation where you envision your "dream life" you will have thoughts that are either fear based (unworthy) or love based (worthy).  If you believe deep down you are unworthy, then you will unconsciously sabotage your efforts.  Procrastination is an indication that you may have feelings of unworthiness.

When you see an image of something beautiful, or desirable what feeling does it invoke?  Is it excitement, pleasure, peacefulness? When the feeling arises, then the mind reacts one of two ways.  Either a thought process begins to create actions that would allow you to experience that desire or thoughts of despair, envy and disappointment unfold.  The interesting thing is the path your "mind" chooses will determine your destination. 

The process goes something like this... Thought - Feeling About Thought - Action or Inaction.  In order to change the results, you must decide to think a new, more supportive thought! That new more supportive thought will create a new feeling (energy) and you will take actions that will support achieving your desires. 

Go ahead, give it a try.  Think of an area in your life you are not very pleased with.  Now ask yourself how it makes you feel.  Then ask yourself what action or inaction's have taken place because of this thought. Ask yourself, what is another way I can see this situation/experience? Another interpretation?  How do I feel about this new interpretation? What will I do now that I feel differently about this? How you interpret your experiences will determine your actions, which in turn determines your future.

Now that you have this new tool to use, take a chance at living a life more attuned with your desires.  Watch your thoughts, catch them if they are not pleasing and choose a more supportive one.  Don't forget that in order to create new situations you must do things differently!  So to heck with the Joneses,  it's your life, your future, think on purpose and enjoy your creations!

To find out how you can connect with your passions and purpose or how to live a more abundant life, visit my website for coaching options

Question:  Are you living life for your own fulfillment or are you trying to keep up with the Joneses?

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Connecting to Your Passions and Purpose

If I were to ask you right now, what is your purpose. What would you say?  If you answered in the definitive, you are among the few.

Do you ever wonder what is the meaning of your life? What is so important about having a purpose?  Having a purpose gives meaning to everything you do.  It directs, guides and motivates you, among other things. 

Did you know there are consequences to not finding your purpose? According to Dr. Douglas LaBier, the effects are many.

One thing is clear: "The consequences of not finding your purpose include chronic, lingering dissatisfaction; an absence of inner peace and a sense of not being fully in sync with your inner self. That's because your true inner self knows that your life purpose is out of sync with your outer life. The latter is often a false self, but you've identified with it because it's been so rewarding to your ego." - Douglas LaBier, Ph.D -The New Resilience

So what is Passion and Purpose?

Let’s talk about Passion.

What is Passion?    Passion is more than just Enthusiasm or Excitement.    Passion is ambition, materialized into action,  to put as much Heart, Mind, Body and Soul into that which you love or desire.  The dictionary defines Passion as: strong and barely controllable emotion.   

We all have things we are passionate about…  Sports Teams,  Musicians,  Athletes,  Actors,  and the list goes on.    However, what passions are YOU living?    I’m not talking about watching someone else live their passions, I’m asking you to consider YOUR passions, ones that you are living out.  If you’re not… Why?   What’s keeping you from doing so?

How about Purpose?

The dictionary defines Purpose as the object toward which one strives,   an Aim, Goal or an Intention.  Did you know that there is purpose in every thing  you  think,  say  and  do?  You are thinking on purpose right now.    What are you thinking of at this very moment?   What is your purpose for that thought?   Is it random, meaningless chatter, or do you have an intention,  a focus for your mind and spirit that will help create something you want?  

What about your words?   Every word you speak has a purpose or intention.   Are you speaking words to yourself and others that are positive, loving  and  supportive?     How about your actions?    Every action you take has a purpose or you just wouldn’t do it.  Do your actions provide support to yourself and others?  Or, do they take away or diminish the joy that is intended for us all.   It’s easy to realize the purpose in everything you do,  either you have a desire to experience pleasure or you are avoiding pain.  It’s that simple. 

The great thing about life is that you can change,  create or  discover a new purpose at any time!    We are talking about your everyday purpose with your thoughts, words and actions.  But what is interesting is when you combine your passions with your everyday purpose, you have the key to discovering your life purpose!   Your life purpose is really not some hard formula, which requires a special astrological chart or tarot card reading, it is found by getting to know yourself, your passions, your talents and desires.

And finally we come to our foundation principal that connects your passions to your purpose which is Empowerment:

What is Empowerment?   Empowerment is the concept that we have the ability  to Manifest  Everything we need to live Peaceful, Happy, and Abundant Lives!   You can and will manifest everything you desire.

To learn more about connecting to your passions and purpose, visit our website at  and get started living the life you were meant to live!